The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

How to create Happy relations and family / Justice

07 December 2019, 14:30
category: seminar/training
500 UAH
place: The development center "the heart" (Troitskaya street, 21)

 The first pre-Christmas Training  1. Training "How to create happy relations and Family" ❤I ❤I ❤it's amazing 7 December from 15.00 to 18.00 "Justice" Woman , as a training for women can create a happy relationship if he wants this! ❤It's amazing what it can prevent, provided that the man is suitable for long-term relationships and family, oddly enough, is one of the first conditions! To correct or change anyone will not work! The victim's condition and the sense of injustice, which is formed and can background to speak of childhood, here, and parent scripts and other people's installation experience from previous negative relationships and other stuff that doesn't give her see for myself what is really going on! What to do: "The development of emotional intelligence *Get rid of fear to be a victim, *define the concept of "justice" *work with the inner child. Learn to appreciate what you got! Training changing women's consciousness of "victim" consciousness is protected, Mature and beloved woman! Special technique for working with emotions! You will learn how to manage your precious energy and channel it into creativity! As you know, happiness is a state of being, not luck, had fallen on his head. This is good news because the condition is that you can create what you can manage and that depends on us! Take all that hurt and created interference! Run the transformation and expansion of your consciousness to create and adopt a happy relationship in your life!❤it's amazing Come for cleansing and renewal!! So as not to drag the old installation, limitations, fears and illusions in his New year  Life ✨ Registration is mandatory! phone Viber 0987030274 Cost prepaid before December 1 - 450 gr. On the spot - 500 gr. And then on 14 and 21 December! Start a powerful transformation in all areas for the entire 2020!

The poster of the event — How to create Happy relations and family / Justice in The development center "the heart"