The events in Odessa at 22 December 2019

ART-Qigong - the internal resource Recovery

22 December 2019, 11:00
category: master class
from 300 to 400 UAH
place: The development center "the heart" (Troitskaya street, 21)

The program of 5 Sunday sessions of 3 hours. The PROGRAM starts DECEMBER 1 at 11:00. You can attend one or more classes as desired. EACH SESSION IS DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF SPECIFIC THEMES: 1. "Recovery and relaxation" The basic lesson, which we will do exercises to relax the mind and body, strengthen immune system, make healthy kidney and urinary-reproductive system. 2. "Anger and resentment" Dealing with anger, irritability and resentment; exercises for strengthening and healing the liver, gallbladder and eyes. 3. "Appreciate yourself - appreciate others" Identifying their hidden strengths, resources and talents; exercise helps to develop confidence. Correction of attitude towards themselves and others in terms of "VALUES", not "ESTIMATION". 4. "Let go of the past" Using the simple technique of the ART of Qigong You let go of past WRONGS, ATTACHMENT, LOSS; increase your energy level and come to a state of inner balance. In addition, You will learn about his Ancestral Guardian (the totem) and its protective functions. 5. "The door to the Future" In class You will explore your own desires and learn to identify which ones are truly Yours, and which may have “stuck” to You from other people; learn about how You support the Family and do special meditation connected with Your Native. And most importantly - lay the Foundation for future happy/successful 2020, based on the right approach to your desires and goals. The RESULT of execution of the PROGRAM: improvement of emotional status, increase efficiency, creativity and stress, General health. COST: from 300 UAH to 400 UAH per lesson (depending on the chosen package). REGISTRATION AND DETAILS AT THE LINK BELOW: INQUIRIES BY PHONE: +30961532080 (Viber/Telegram/WatsUp) WHO LEADS THE PROGRAM? Legwinski of Zoya (Zoya Ligvinska) - author of the ART of Qigong, certified instructor of Zhong yuan Qigong, the art therapist, specialist Chinese image therapy. Trained directly with Grand Master qigong Xu Mingtang; practical experience - more than 9 years; member of Chinese Association of Image Medicine of Ukraine, member of Ukrainian Association of Art Therapy; speaker international conferences on the Chinese Image-Medicine and Art therapy. LOCATION: Odessa, Troitskaya street 21, "Depth of Soul" Wellness-Meditation centre

The poster of the event — ART-Qigong - the internal resource Recovery in The development center "the heart"