The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

How to change beliefs in communication and argumentation

07 December 2019, 10:00
category: seminar/training
place: Co-working center "Divergent Education Hub" (Troitskaya str., 33a)

DEVELOP SKILLS TO CHANGE BELIEFS IN COMMUNICATION In the modern world of technical achievements, where any information can be easily obtained on the Internet, the ability to communicate is becoming more and more valuable skill. Communication is not only the ability to speak convincingly, which helps to successfully sell, negotiate, speak in public, and the ability to hear and understand the interlocutor. Have this communication skills are very important for personal development as it determines the success of interaction with the world, other people, yourself, and also allow you to Express yourself through creativity. We cannot not communicate, and communicating is always affected by others. Managers influence employees to perform their tasks. Coaches and teachers influence students, to give them new knowledge and skills. Parents influence children, so they made the right decisions. Service staff impact on clients so they feel satisfied. Sellers affect potential customers that they have made informed purchase. And so on. And if we, one way or another, affect others, it makes sense to do it with higher precision and elegance for a better solution of communication tasks and produce the desired results. The aim of the training using practical exercises to consolidate the skill of applying the patterns of belief change in professional and everyday communication Life skills affects both verbal and non-verbal level of communication and allows you to: • Easy to establish contact and maintain it; • Learn how to convincingly argue their position; • Successfully to defend their interests; • Painless to overcome the conflict; • To understand the motives of his own words and actions and reactions of others; • Effectively listen and actively ask questions; • To identify and neutralize manipulation; • To create an atmosphere of trust and cohesion, both in the workplace and in the family circle. Training will be useful for those who work in the field of active communication executives, managers, leaders of the network companies, the coaches, Nlpers, doctors, journalists, teachers, social workers, trainers, lawyers, consultants and ... ✍This training program 1️⃣ 1 day 1. What beliefs, ways of formation. The mechanism of the Magic of language with beliefs. 2. 14 language tricks like 14 thinking strategies. Content. The behavioral characteristics of the use. Non-verbal expression. The algorithm of formation. Examples of usage. 3. Recognition tricks of language, on nonverbal behavior, in the text, the analysis of the video. 4. Formation of sentences with certain focus language in writing and orally. Create cascades of focuses language for a specific belief. 5. The consolidation of the skill to quickly create phrases, selection of the most appropriate focus of language in the team battle. 2️⃣ 2 day 1. Types of speech formulas suggestion. Classification of formulas of suggestion for different purposes of communication. Speech formulas suggestion in working with beliefs. Examples of usage. 2. Stages of building of communication using verbal suggestions. Rhythms of the brain and the concept of a trance state. Natural trance States and ways to strengthen them. 3. The formation of the inspiring phrases and tracking their speech. The embedding of formulas of suggestion in the communication process when working with beliefs. 4. The consolidation of the skill of the use of speech formulas suggestion in a given context, metaphorical role-playing game. Format of training: 2 full days Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 h to 19.00 (with a break for lunch and coffee breaks). Training leads Les Gladkova: Certified ICTA Professional Master Coach and Trainer of Coaching ✅ Trainer of NLP (ICTA\ICU) ✅ Certified business coach ✅ Specialist in the field of training and staff development ✅ HR consultant ✅ Practical psychologist Location: the Divergent hub, Troitskaya str., 33a, of.402 Cost of participation: prepaid - 2200 UAH. the day of the event – 2600 UAH. ☎ Now to become a member of the master class book your place or register on the link - ‼this Expected results: • Improving the quality and speed of creating reports with the partner. • Faster and more accurate achievement of the objectives of communication. • Improved efficiency of influence. • Recognition of hidden influence. Pay attention to the development of their communication skills — the results will not keep you waiting long! Practise acquired knowledge by building effective relationships with friends and colleagues. Learn to use communication as a tool to achieve their goals. Have this owns the word — control of the situation! have on!!!

The poster of the event — How to change beliefs in communication and argumentation in Co-working center "Divergent Education Hub"