The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

Constellations - Open Day

07 December 2019, 10:00
category: more
place: Location (specified when registering)

Dreams Come True!       16 years ago, having met in India with Family contelation - the method of family constellations, I fell in love with it.              Since then, I longed for a lot of constellators in Odessa. So that the constellations are used not only for solving family problems, but also in schools, in litigation, in real estate transactions, in politics, finally.       After all, with the help of constellations you can make the right decision, shed light on the most mysterious situations, insoluble questions and the most mysterious aspects of life!              I conducted weekly constellation groups, wrote many articles, published 7 books on the practice of family constellations, until I finally decided to create my Teaching Experimental Program.              And in November marks the year since the day of my first graduation of the first stream of students!        This is victory!       This is a holiday!       And we invite you, dear friends, to share it with us.              On December 7, my graduates, and today colleagues as equals, will take you into their arms and lead you along the fascinating roads of family constellations.During the day, certified constellators Elena Verenich, Diana Nechaeva, Victoria Zheltaya, Svetlana Bobrova, Natalia Vesterinen, Vita Bakovska, Elena Khokhlacheva, Inna Novitskis, Esmira Groza, Oksana Filchenko, Nicole Gutovskaya, Anna Lisovsky at their master classes will do demos of the constellations and all comers and interested with different directions of the constellations and their interaction with other directions such as Atmology, Tarot cards, Runes, shamanistic practices ...              Welcome!       Entrance is conditionally free.              Payment of 100 hryvnia to participate in a win-win lottery - guarantees you a seat in the hall.              Come!       Register right here with your name and phone number       or on the site!       Call:       0975356734 Hope       0677147992 Svetlana 0637082211 Elena       0660702372 Vita

The poster of the event — Constellations - Open Day in Location