The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

Academic linfodrenanti massage c formulation of basic ergonomics

07 December 2019, 10:00
category: seminar/training
2300 UAH
place: Studio of massage arts "Grasa" (Troitskaya str., 39)

Academic linfodrenanti massage Dec 7 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Odessa. A one-day seminar Yana Azovskoi "Academic linfodrenanti massage with the production of basic ergonomics". The tuition fee is 2300 UAH. LECTURER - master of international level with 20 years of practice, judge at the international, Ukrainian and regional Championships massage - JAN ACEVSKA. Lymphatic drainage massage is an integral part of the equipment of correction, which should know a specialist working in the massage field. Academic linfodrenanti massage, which is a complex of unique techniques, performed in a certain algorithm with a dosed force on different parts of the human body, allows to solve a huge range of medical and health problems, and issues related to the correction of various aesthetic defects of the body. Linfodrenanti massage allows: Restore metabolic processes in cells tissues and organs; Helps to eliminate puffiness, stimulates metabolic processes in tissues; To improve venous outflow; To stimulate the body's defenses, boosting the immune system and stress resistance; To provide detoxification; All participants are provided with methodical materials and videoproducer. upon completion of the course a certificate is issued. Read more about the course can be read here - Reviews - Apply for training -

The poster of the event — Academic linfodrenanti massage c formulation of basic ergonomics in Studio of massage arts "Grasa"