The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

To convince and win (effective legal reasoning)

07 December 2019, 11:00
category: seminar/training
499 UAH
place: The restaurant, co-working lecture "4City" (Kanatnaya str., 27/1)

"CONVINCE AND CONQUER" /effective legal argument/ is a 3 - hour copyright workshop from the lawyers of the Attorney Association "as" – Mariana Afanasyeva and Nikolay Stoyanov. Speakers will share techniques and methods of building a sound and convincing legal position, it is checked on personal legal experience in various types of proceedings. Only real-world examples and practical exercises. The workshop is designed for 25 participants wanting to improve the skills of legal reasoning, confident speech in court, structural presentation of legal position. As a result of the workshop participants: ✅ can effectively and concisely outline (in writing and orally) their legal position, to bring valid counter-arguments to the objections of the opponent; ✅ learn how to correctly build a line of argumentation in procedural documents; ✅ will gain confidence when making speeches in court. ✅ Each participant will receive personalized recommendations to improve the structure and argument they have prepared procedural documents. Registration for the workshop (required): Inquiries by phone: 0675566214 When: 07/12/2019 at 11:00 Where: Odessa city, Kanatnaya str., 27/1 ("4City") Participation fee: UAH 499 Minimum of theory, maximum of practice effective legal reasoning

The poster of the event — To convince and win (effective legal reasoning) in The restaurant, co-working lecture "4City"