The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

Tatyana Balanovskaya: The Poetic World of Sandro Botticelli

07 December 2019, 14:00
category: lecture
55 UAH
place: Museum of Western and Oriental art (Pushkinskaya str., 9)

Sandro Botticelli ... An amazing, unique artist, a vivid representative of the art of the Early Renaissance, who gave the world his ideal of female beauty. He created captivating images of pensive, sad Madonnas and beautiful ancient goddesses, painted portraits and frescoed paintings. Botticelli's paintings “Spring” and “The Birth of Venus” became original icons of modern culture.              The close proximity to the humanistic circle of Lorenzo the Magnificent and the fascination with the religious sermons of the monk Savonarola are the two poles between which lay the creative path of Botticelli. Closely contacting them, he managed to remain by himself, special and immediately recognizable. Sandro Botticelli is dedicated to the work of a lecture by Tatyana Balanovskaya, head of the department of Western European art.              December 7 14:00       Cost 55 UAH              Pushkinskaya, 9       #weart_museum # lecture hall of the museum

The poster of the event — Tatyana Balanovskaya: The Poetic World of Sandro Botticelli in Museum of Western and Oriental art