The events in Odessa at 18 December 2019

Ukrainian mythological best

18 December 2019, 19:00
category: lecture
100 UAH
place: Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa" (1A Grecheskaya street)

At the hour, if the light is young, and as a result have a pop. If it’s not a bullet without security and it’s not without reason that it’s bulo to navigate to the village of sousіdnogo. If Tavruvali v_dmoyu simply for beauty (well, and for zbir usilakih herbs and fly agaric). At this time, people have experienced their fears and hopes at the near-natural places, explaining the successes and failures of women and spirits (privit, theory of statistics and statistical analysis!).              Scandinavian mythology, Egyptian, Davnogretska. Спx the downturn will pass through tysyacholіttya, and for the motives know the hollywood blockbuster. And what about mi girshі? In Ukrainian mythological tradition, long-standing pagan and Orthodox traditions. The unique bachennya svіtu vіlene at chorta, Mavka, house, at marvelous rites of burial and holy. The mediators of the отstot бин glibin astral were riddles of those characters, like those from the Cossacks of Mamai.              Legendary and mythical Wii, Fornication, the hard-core people of Pesigolovtsy, watermen and flip-flops re-moved from national fantasies to create Ukrainian writers: Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, Mikoli Gogol'sha, Mikhail Kohlats. And deyaki zaboboni, about yakі mi and I am not embarrassed, they were born more at Kiev Rusі!              Zustrinemos at the new lecture Irina Nechitalyuk, candidates of philological sciences, associate professors of the Department of Ukrainian Literature of ONU Іmenі I. І. Mechnikov. And take a nap at the side of our ancestors to help the musical suprovid vid Nataliya Steblin and Anastasiya Boychenko.              Hub Vitalnya | Gretska vul. 1a       18 chest, 19:00       Entry: 100 hryvnias       Registration: the speech, gladly subscribe to our telegram channel, so as not to miss the message Hub Вітальні:

The poster of the event — Ukrainian mythological best in Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa"