The events in Odessa at 22 December 2019

Satsang with Andriy Goroshko

22 December 2019, 15:00
category: more
place: Esoteric shop "Terra Incognita" (Zhukovskogo str., 17)

Namaste, Dear Friends!)  Again with great Love and Joy) invite you to a meeting of the self with itself - satsang with Andriy Goroshko in Odessa!) ⚓ For a time in Happiness, Joy, Love and Self-knowledge!)✨ Come to realize that always is, was and will be, without which there is no real Taste of life, Joy, Love, Peace, - his Own Essence and eternal Nature!)  The meeting is held in the format of questions and answers on the topic of Self-knowledge - self-awareness, or being - Meditation!) 律 In the energy field of an appointment it is easy to dissolve Mental and emotional limitations that restricted the image Itself, and of course opens up the joy and ease you unlimited and Real - your real Existence!) 珞  The whole World is yours. I ~ Andriy Goroshko ✨ Satsang or stay in Truth or Wise  allows  conscious of their own integrity and go to Resource and not a limited state of consciousness  mentally - emotionally cleansed and start liberating and beneficial processes in your life  to disassemble the pressing issues at the expense of his own life, to clarify the misunderstanding about Himself  to be in the field of natural and full potential of clean energy and open up to Joy, Tranquility of openness and Love Moderator: Andriy Goroshko, Healer, Reiki master, teacher of Yoga and Meditation, the analyst of the system "Human Design", traveler (USA - India - Thailand, Kazakhstan), leading satsangs and retreats in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, the hometown of Lutsk. The venue, Odessa, Zhukovskogo 17, a Cozy lounge in esoteric magazine Terra Incognita - esoteric shop ⛩ Time: 15:00 - 17:00 (come possible in 5-10 minutes)  Cost: free payment opportunities and the Heart)  (recommended org. Installment 50-100 UAH) Questions and registration: 067 941 76 57 Roman Balsekar, 203 099 4918, Andrii Goroshko, we have about 15-20 seats, so it's best to register just)  Also be prepared after the Meeting at the festive Tea)  And also You can depending on personal schedule appointment for a private Session or Sessions, Teaching Reiki and Meditation, reading on the system "Human Design" Andrei!)  All Joy and Love, true Knowledge, come and take your friends to enjoy Themselves!) See you soon!) Namaste!)  "I thought I was somewhere in the road - it's a Dream Existence. Now I realize - I'm always Here. This Knowledge, in which Knowledge and Being are one, it is inseparable. It's not the knowledge that you, is the Knowledge that you are today. " ~ Mooji  Also, 24.12, we will be unbeatable saturating the Circle of Reiki , and at 25.12 29.12 wonderful Meditation course "Awakening to the nature of the true self, Odessa + Online, December" stay tuned) ✨☀app #Satsang #joy #happiness #energy #love #consciousness #flow #awareness #peace #presence #awakening #existence #energy #self-knowledge #meditation #truth #Odessa

The poster of the event — Satsang with Andriy Goroshko in Esoteric shop "Terra Incognita"