The events in Odessa at 22 December 2019

Weekend Retreat - Yoga "Sankalpa" / We form the intention for the New Year

22 December 2019, 09:00
category: seminar/training
from 1000 to 2000 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

✨ We form the intention for the New Year!              ❗When you register before December 18, the cost of 2 days of the seminar is 1400 UAH!              ✨ Weekend Retreat - Sankalpa Yoga Workshop ✨              ️To be conducted by the master of traditional yoga Nathov - Somnath (Sergey Valerievich Kruglov). She has been practicing yoga since 1979, has been initiated into the Natha Yoga Tradition by her Guru Matsyendranath Maharaj. Doctor, kinesitherapist.              ✨ From year to year, the last retreat before the New Year, we devote to the qualitative transition to a new cycle. At the seminar we will carry out practices tested by many generations of yogis to cleanse the physical and subtle plan: getting rid of the old, from unnecessary “baggage”, emotions, situations, habits.       ☝️And also do practices to form a request for what we would like to fill life in the new year.              When the rhythm of the city drains us,       When it seems like we are walking in a circle       When there is neither the time nor the strength to deal with yourself - you need a retreat!       ✨ Soft practices of traditional yoga and meditation, silence, with silence and digital detox - help to return to your life full and balanced!       ✨ Weekend retreat - a format that is created for people who need to exhale and reboot, but they have no way to escape from the city.              ✨Effects from retreat✨:       Че high-quality, healthy rest;       ✅ rest and stress resistance;       ✅ restoration of forces, fullness;       ✅ effective tools for self-study and maintaining a state of balance;Feeling of oneself, one's desires, possibilities and needs.       To return “to the world” in a resource state, with an understanding of where you want to move and what, in fact, is important!              ️ Seminar program:       ✔️Hatha Yoga       ✔️Pranayama       ✔️ Yoga Nidra       ✔️ Mantra Yoga       ✔️Meditation       ✔️ Tea Party              ️ Schedule:       Saturday:       10.00-13.00 Yoga practices: shatkarmas, asanas, pranayama. Satsang.       13.00-14.00 Tea / coffee. Light lunch in a cafe.       14.00-15.30 Satsang. Yoga Nidra              Sunday:       9.00-10.30 Practice. Satsang.       10.30 - 11.00 Tea party. Fruit breakfast.       11.00-14.00 Practice of Hatha and Raja Yoga. Mantra Yoga       From 15.00 An individual appointment (diagnosis / therapeutic massage) with Kruglov Sergey Valerievich.       Preliminary recording - 096 333 66 51               The workshop is designed for any age and training.               The cost of the entire workshop - 2000 UAH       1 day (Saturday or Sunday) - 1000 UAH               Make an advance payment of 565 UAH to the PrivatBank card 5168 7554 2533 5656 (Koval Victoria).              ❗Number of participants is limited.              When: December 21-22       律‍♀️Where: yoga studio "Arcadia Hills", Arkadievsky per. 9/1.       ✍️ Record by phone 0931481336       ☝️Details:

The poster of the event — Weekend Retreat - Yoga "Sankalpa" / We form the intention for the New Year in Location