The events in Odessa at 22 December 2019

Club of historical reconstruction in miniature

22 December 2019, 14:30
category: master class
place: The art space "Siniy Crab" (Primorskaya street 42)

The introduction of reconstructive methods is one of the most interesting tasks facing historical research and the education system. To solve these problems, the club of historical reconstruction in miniature becomes a laboratory of historical and educational experiment, where you can take part in military-historical reconstruction of battles, learn how to create miniatures, learn a lot of interesting things about the history of military battles of all time, take part in military-historical reconstruction battles. We make the army with our own hands from a tin alloy. And we ourselves are developing the rules for a board strategy game.          “Once upon a time there were twenty-five tin soldiers. All the sons of the same mother — the old tin spoon — and, therefore, they were siblings to each other. They were nice, brave guys: a gun on his shoulder, a chest with a wheel, a red uniform, blue lapels, buttons shine ... Well, in a word, a miracle what kind of soldiers! ”G.Kh. Andersen          The tin miniatures that make up our collections are direct descendants of the tin soldier that the great storyteller Andersen turned into a symbol of love and self-sacrifice.It all starts with the choice of an era or a specific battle for the plot of a future miniature. A long survey is carried out: you need to know everything about clothing, equipment, weapons; you need to give the figures poses that correspond to the fighting techniques of a particular era. Various specialists are involved: historians, workers of museums, archives, specialists in historical costumes, etc. We study historical books, museum exhibits, paintings, special publications, and illustrated books on military affairs. Only with the historical accuracy of the details, will the figure heal and deliver real joy with its birth.          When the modeling object is selected, the materials are studied, you can begin to sketch the future figures. For planar figures, two projections (front and rear views) are sufficient, and for three-dimensional images in several angles. It is important to keep the correct proportions.           After that, the sculptor sets to work. He carefully sculpts models of figures of soldiers, weapons, horses, interior elements from plastic, constantly checking the sketches, because you can’t forget a single detail: a 1/3 mm buttonhole is no less distinguishable than fringed seams, a stand-up collar, chain mail rings and small buckles on armor straps.          Then, according to the master copy, cold vulcanization rubber (also used in jewelry to obtain wax models, in prosthetics) is made into a mold for precise micro-casting.An alloy based on tin is poured into the mold, having a strictly defined temperature, which ensures accurate reproduction of the smallest details of the model.           Casting requires further processing. A common drawback is a flash (a small leakage of metal into the seam between the parts of the mold). Scrap the scum, clean air bubbles in the recesses.           When a figure consists of several parts, it is very important to precisely connect them together. Then it is necessary to clean all the seams. It is mandatory to wash and clean the figure - micropores become clogged with dirt and over time this can destroy the paint layer, as well as the metal.           After that, the most crucial stage begins - coloring and final design. This creative process can take anywhere from a few hours to a month. The figures are painted exclusively by hand, sometimes with the help of a magnifying glass, because on the figure there are such small details - facial features, buttons, fringe, etc. It is this work that is truly a unique work of art that conveys the spirit of the era.         What is the result? It turns out miniatures that store the warmth of the hands of dozens of people. The miniatures, which are mascots by origin carry a huge educational potential.          The workshop does not require a special level of training. Enough of your desire and a little accuracy. The wizard will prepare material blanks and necessary tools for you, help in creating a miniature figurine.The second part of the master class is a board strategic game under the guidance of the host - real battles involving tin armies. We provide an army of soldiers, a map, explain the rules. A freshly baked warrior can be tasted in battle.          The lesson will be interesting to adults and children. Create a soldier of your favorite era, and you will feel the delight of creating your own toy warrior with your own hands!           We want people to have the opportunity to build their educational path based on needs, curiosity and the desire to learn something new. We are creating an environment where everyone can teach and learn, a place where you can and should think.

The poster of the event — Club of historical reconstruction in miniature in The art space "Siniy Crab"