The events in Odessa at 22 December 2019

Work under the transfer

22 December 2019, 10:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (look in the description)

In the framework of the project "Lacan in Odessa" on 22 December (Sunday) will host a seminar "Work migration" of the series "Clinical applications of the theory of Jacques Lacan". Questions of the seminar:  Structural bases of transfer.  Position analysant and the analyst in the transference.  Repetition of love in the transference and the birth of love in the transference.  "Desire of the psychoanalyst" and chartransfer.  The subject and knowledge transfer.  Transfer is a "node" measurement of love and desire. The outbreak of a "node".  Orientation to meaning in the transference. Moderator - Yuriy Volnykh — psychoanalyst, member.-cor. European "New Labanowski School of Psychoanalysis", the French President of the international psychoanalytical Association "group of the Freudian Field - Ukraine"; the psychiatrist of the highest category; lecturer, PSYCHOLOGY; organizer of the international psychoanalytic seminars "Freudian Field" labanowski orientation. The series "Clinical applications of the theory of Jacques Lacan" - the second year of the project, "Lacan in Odessa", therefore it is aimed at listeners who are already familiar with the theory of J. Lacan (completed in 2018-2019, the series "introduction to the theory of J. Lacan" in Odessa and the regular participants of the seminars VV Free). It is important The details of the format of the seminar, the conditions of participation and payment - ask directly from the project coordinator. Recording and questions: Elena Bashmakova | +38-068-202-84-63 (write in Viber) Where? address: Bazarnaya 74. At the end of the cycle students will be issued a certificate of participation from the project "FreudLacan Education" and the Odessa scientific psychoanalytic society.AMB

The poster of the event — Work under the transfer in Location