The events in Odessa at 22 December 2019

Arkady grin / From the ancient Jews to Jehovah's Witnesses. The final

22 December 2019, 14:00
category: lecture
from 40 to 70 UAH
place: Museum of Western and Oriental art (Pushkinskaya str., 9)

The final lecture of the author's trilogy, the linguist and historian, religious scholar and Museum staff Arcadia green is dedicated to the modern movement in Protestantism - Jehovah's Witnesses. We will again touch on zhivotrepeschaschy matters of translations, interpretations and multiplicity of interpretation one of the most important books in the history of mankind - the Bible. The lectures previous lectures we have examined the original Hebrew (old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) texts and their canonical translation into Greek, Latin, old Church Slavonic, modern Russian, German and some other languages. In the final lecture we will examine the unintentional error and intentional falsification resorted to by the translators of various faiths, in particular Jehovah's Witnesses. Welcome Sunday, December 22, at the cozy #lektorius at 14:00 Ticket price: 70 / 40 UAH #WEart_museum

The poster of the event — Arkady grin / From the ancient Jews to Jehovah's Witnesses. The final in Museum of Western and Oriental art