The events in Odessa at 24 December 2019

Press-conference: Presentation of the profile of the judges of Odessa

24 December 2019, 10:00
category: presentation
place: Location (look in the description)

24 Chubby Campania CHESNO. Filtruy court! a presentation of the analysis of good faith judges of the first Odessa region.              Presentation at the meeting at 24 hours at 10:00 at the nearby Paritet press center (metro Odesa, 51 Fontanska Doroga).              Total campaign analytics analyzed information about more than 230 employees of the Family Persian Institute. For the results of the analysis, 46% of the judges of the Permanent Institution in Odessa oblast destroyed a hotel, but one criterion of goodwill.              Present profiles are:       Andrii Matat, Campaign Lawyer PURE. Filtruy court!       Polina Sydorchuk, Content Manager Campaign Filtruy court!              Analysis of the goodwill of the judiciary and the Odessa region, becoming part of the basis of the profiles of the PRESENT.Filtruy court! The hour of preparation of the profile of analytics is PRESENT. Filtruy court! evaluate the goodwill of judges for all the following criteria: non-respectability to corruption or criminal offenses; non-accountability to the praise of the total amount; vіdpovіdnіst style of life with declared income and prosperity of statistics; indecision to infringement of the rights of people and the additional standards of professional ethics. The base of profiles is progressive.              Profiles about judges CHESNO.Fіltruy court! Publish on your website:              Accreditation is not required.

The poster of the event — Press-conference: Presentation of the profile of the judges of Odessa in Location