The events in Odessa at 24 December 2019

Presentation vidan z yudaiki

24 December 2019, 16:00
category: presentation
place: Location (look in the description)

24 babies about 4 p.m.       Judaica Center - Judaica Center, Erinnerung lernen               At the entrance I will be presented with a view of the various aspects of the Holocaust and Other Holy Events, as well as the most important posts for students and schoolchildren. The first hour of entry will be presented no less than a book, aly ed didactic cards from the history of the Holocaust and materials from the format of a small book about Anna Frank.              Presentation of the vision of Tania Borodina, history, science, science and technology center, history and culture of the Jewish Community of NaUKMA, graduate student of the Doctoral School of NaUKMA        Museum of History of Odessa Odesa Migdal-Shorashim, 66 Nizhinska Vulitsya

The poster of the event — Presentation vidan z yudaiki in Location