The events in Odessa at 13 January 2020

"Waltzes, Polk, Marches" by Johann Strauss / Hobart Earl

13 January 2020, 19:00
category: concert
from 100 to 400 UAH
place: Philharmonic (Bunina str., 15)

WHY SHOULD IT GO TO THE JOURNEY STRAUS CONCERT “WALES, POLES, MARCHES”?       1. Feel the Viennese tale with the orchestra.       2. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Vienna Ball thanks to the music of Strauss.       3. Give yourself a festive, Christmas mood for yourself and your whole family!              Every year, the orchestra, together with Hobart Earl, give Odessa residents a Christmas, Viennese tale, performing Strauss waltzes!              Traditionally, on the eve of the Old New Year, “Waltzes, Polka, Marches” by Johann Strauss, conductor of the Viennese court balls, “King of Waltzes” will be heard.              For 25 years, the orchestra and chief conductor Hobart Earl continue to give Odessa residents and visitors a festive mood with Strauss music. Maestro Earl studied and directed the Vienna Chamber Orchestra organized by him, which allowed him to work with Odessa residents to “revive the charm of Strauss music” (Sunday Times, Western Australia).              After the concerts of the National Odessa Philharmonic Orchestra and Hobart Earl, the Vienna newspaper Die Presse wrote: “Earl and his orchestra have almost perfectly understood the language of the Viennese waltz. The orchestra students carefully studied the scores and did not miss a single subtlety ... Earl subtly reproduced the elegant waltz paintings and managed to create a mood with an exquisite phrase. ”              And in 2010, after a tour of the orchestra, the newspaper “Herald Tribunes” noted that the performance of Strauss' works by Odessa residents and the maestro was the best in Austria over the past few years.It was Johann Strauss who “raised” dance music to symphonic peaks, and later made Gershwin with jazz. And it was in Strauss's work that the Viennese waltz gained immortality.

The poster of the event — "Waltzes, Polk, Marches" by Johann Strauss / Hobart Earl in Philharmonic