The events in Odessa at 13 January 2020

"The therapist according to the method symboldrama" diploma IGKB

13 January 2020, 18:00
category: the courses
place: Location (specified when registering)

Open set for the certification training program therapists according to the method symboldrama (katatome-imaginative psychotherapy) The training program is certified in accordance with the requirements of International companies Catetinho experiences of images and imaginative techniques in psychotherapy and psychology (MOKPO) — Internationalen Gesellschaft für Katathymes Bilderleben (IGKB). MOKPO and the Institute Catalino-imaginative psychotherapy in Goettingen (Germany) has delegated the right to teach symboldrama of the Interregional public organization of assistance to development of symboldrama – Catalino-imaginative psychotherapy (KIP MOO SRS). Training involves the development of the theory and practice of psychotherapy according to the method symboldrama (katatome-imaginative of psihoterapii), own deep study, and beginning a private psychotherapy practice under the support of accredited supervisors. To see the curriculum, please visit: (please wait for the download page or contact @khadka for details) Upon completion of training, complete all requirements and passing the final exam of the diploma of "therapist according to the method symboldrama" international standard valid on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, the Netherlands, Sweden. The first seminar in core training A1 "an introduction to the basics symboldrama" (30 Acad. hours) Class schedule: 13 Jan 2020-18.00-21.00 14 Jan 2020-18.00-21.00 15 Jan 2020-18.00-21.00 25 Jan 2020-10.00-18.00 26 Jan 2020-10.00-18.00 Provided breaks for lunch and coffee breaks. Lesson supervises and conducts the psychotherapist of the European register, President of MOO SRS KIP, associate Professor and member of the Board of MOKPO, associate Professor of the Institute of psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy (Potsdam, Germany), Ph. D. Jacob L. Obukhov-Kozarovichi. Cost: 10 hours of the program — € 40 ATTENTION! When registering till 31 Dec special offer : fixed price 800 USD — 10 hours on blocks A1, A2, B1,B2. Preparation of the agreement and the official revenge of the programme. For details, contact to the head MOSIO Olga Grigoryevna of Demidchuk tel (viber): (096) 457-09-79

The poster of the event — "The therapist according to the method symboldrama" diploma IGKB in Location