The events in Odessa at 14 January 2020

Soft skills: Those who cannot be taught at school

14 January 2020, 19:00
category: master class
place: Educational space "Rehab" (lane Vice Admiral Zhukov, 17/19)

 Those who cannot be taught at school        Those who will translate the zvichaynogo prazіvnik on        Those who need help from your children, better, more professional knowledge              All soft skills - skills to help us effectively interact with our people. All the key to the fast becoming of a child is like that professional and professional, who wants to bachichi in a team. Experts practice sharing the secrets of pumping soft skills in children!              ‍♀ Anna Derev'yanko - a special opportunity for tech-space for Atom Space. Here pіdlіtki vіkom vіd 14 to 18 іnkіdіkіnalyutіut and zatosovuyut their knowledge in the areas of technology, engineering and mathematics.              For 2 years at TSEHAB Odessa won the ropovіst:               Yaki skills Varto rozvivati, okrіm suto profesіynih        Why come on to Ditin, I won’t know the robot        Yak zrobiti, shchob dytina bula amazed at Tim, what to do        Before the yards of hard work, varto gotuvati ambitious entertainment        Yakі values ​​necessary to slap on Maybutnє              Chekamo mam і father, I want to want my children to be successful, happy and self-sufficient. I’m also asking for piddle, I’ve already infected Varto nobility, I’m getting ready for a serious professional life.               Tsekhab Odessa (Walnut Square)       ⏰ 14 sіchnya (vіvtorok) from 19:00 to 21:00        Postlessly writing:              Spread no corinthians come in that is newer, subscribe to the Telegram channel of Tsekhab Odessa:

The poster of the event — Soft skills: Those who cannot be taught at school in Educational space "Rehab"