The events in Odessa at 13 January 2020

MK Marini Ravcheevo "At the joke of his bazhan"

13 January 2020, 18:00
category: master class
place: Location (look in the description)

Kozhen for us we would rather want, one baja usima with our souls. From childhood, I can feel the Cossacks, in some characters to make a guess of their bazhennya іznim charіvnim creatures, іstotam і subjects. So what's the same bazhannya? And to whom did they deny themselves, to whom did they startle me, didn’t they see joy?       For the sake of this, we’ll talk to the master class “Do your own bazhan’s class” and at once with the participants, I’m not so great, but I’m reassessing the values, they’ll show how much energy is needed, and that’s the only way to do this quiet people, as in the Danish period of life brought more satisfaction and corridor.              I’ll ask you to come to a postless employment.       The group is formed with a small number of participants - up to 15 people, older than 18 rock.       Fate is unprofitable, prote registration obov'yazkova:               Hour and time spent: September 13, 2020, 18: 00-21: 00       for the address: prov. Lermontovskiy, 13 / entrance from Leontovich’s side (Belinsky’s colony)       ☎ Dodatkova information for the phone: 050 337 00 75; 050 337 00 76       The master-class is conducted by Marina Ravcheeva - psychologist consultant, certification psychotherapist (2 steps) and certification supervisor (3 steps) in gestalt training.              І Decіlka of important rules of participation in the master class :        Do not take notes.        Dotrimuvatisya conf_idency.        Do not evaluate and do not navigate labels.        Vidviduvati meister-class on one topic is not more than two times.The loan was organized under the project # Зміцнення_ Социіальної_згуртованості Benefit Fund Caritas Odessa UGCC

The poster of the event — MK Marini Ravcheevo "At the joke of his bazhan" in Location