The events in Odessa at 26 January 2020

Additional film show Nashi Kotiki

26 January 2020, 17:15
category: movie
from 100 to 180 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

26 today we’ll see an additional preview of the incorrectly patriotic comedy “Our Cats”. Also in Moscow, I can be better off with a creative group of films - Ulyana Suprun by Dmitry Tuboltsev Valery Puzіk.              Quotes can be added here:                      “Our Cats” is a non-political patriotic comedy, as if you’ve seen a rental 30 days. 2014-th, razpal gіbridnoї vіyni Rosії proti Ukraine. An engineer, an actor, a football coach and a salesperson to volunteer at Skіd. On positions until the fourth day there will be an ambitious journal for the secret secret enrollment. Zhoden did not have any other means of battle with them, I didn’t know anything about the command, the one who wasn’t able to attend. So it’s all right for me to become the cause of the grandiose fiasco large-scale operation ... Vіdvaga, manhood, three trophies of hypnosis and firm humor –– vibuhova sum for “warm zustrichi”!              The director and scriptwriter: Volodymyr Tikhiy.              Producers: Marco Suprun, Igor Savichenko, Ulyana Suprun, Stepan Bandera, Volodymyr Tikhiy, Dmitro Kozhema.              Cast: Dmitro Tuboltsev, Stanislav Brzhezinsky, Petro Mikityuk, Mikhailo Kukuyuk, Dmitro Khom’yak, Yaroslav Fedorchuk, Vira Klimkovetska, Dmitro Yaroshenko, Sergiy Solopay, Igor Portyanko, Roman Khalaimov, Volodymyr Belyaє,      Where? Planet Cinema, Tairova

The poster of the event — Additional film show Nashi Kotiki in Location