The events in Odessa at 04 February 2020

Reconstruction, renovation, restoration: new life of old buildings

04 February 2020, 19:00
category: lecture
100 UAH
place: Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa" (1A Grecheskaya street)

Architecture, unlike other works of art, is designed for close interaction with people for many generations. Over time, meanings change, cities develop, utilitarian preferences and lifestyle change. And the architecture is also brimming with other functions, symbols and beauty.              The challenge is to adapt the old, or even the old building, to the current structure, preserving historical value, significance, but returning and rethinking the benefits of modernity. We will see the best world and local examples of such work with the past at a lecture by Stefan Gurtovy, an architect, designer, co-founder and concept director of the Mousetrap quest room network.              Entrance: 100 UAH       If you register, we will definitely save a place for you:              By the way, in order not to miss the events of the Living Room, we recommend subscribing to our telegram channel:

The poster of the event — Reconstruction, renovation, restoration: new life of old buildings in Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa"