The events in Odessa at 29 January 2020

Common reasons for male-female conflicts

29 January 2020, 18:30
category: lecture
from 200 to 250 UAH
place: Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa" (1A Grecheskaya street)

Many psychologists who are engaged in conflict and conflict studies, said that when the interests and needs of the people are not the same, the conflict is possible and even quite predictable. On the one hand the conflicts and crises can be promoting and productive for personal growth and reflection, and to improve the quality of the relationship. But on the other — the conflict is almost always a voltage. And not all tension is easily portable. Not everything that seems easy portable is portable in principle. But anyway, more to believe that managed conflict better than unmanaged. And the possibility of avoiding the conflict is better than no such possibility. But in order to influence the conflicts and to predict their development it is important to understand what they may be and what may be their cause. Because of what is between a man and a woman conflicts occur?! It can be frustration associated with the difference between expectations and reality. Or it could be a mismatch of ideas about what is right in family life and what is not. How to arrange life and what to do if life is not satisfied. What should a woman do in a relationship and that in no case should not make a man. How to care for and someone to be in charge in the family. How to conduct the family budget and why is a beautiful woman, and the man should work?! Someone to wash the dishes and when to do it. How and why to raise children, and who is to blame if it doesn't always work?! Is it possible to approach the conflict rationally or most of them have a purely emotional basis?! What conflicts result of infidelity and is it possible to do something, if one of the partners lost interest in the other?! How does a man and a woman to listen and hear each other, or their languages and logic are so different that they count on it especially it is not necessary. In this lecture we analyze the possible scenarios. Talk about male-female relations and the psychology of conflict. Will try to get to the causes and to find good recipes to conflicts were promoting rather than destructive. Lecturers: Poverennova Alla: clinical psychologist, President OPGP, lead trainer of the program "MGI", member of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT). Zhilin Mikhail: master clinical psychology, master of philosophy, lecturer of the Department of practical psychology, Gestalt therapist, supervisor Tickets: 200-250 UAH. Buying online:

The poster of the event — Common reasons for male-female conflicts in Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa"