The events in Odessa at 02 March 2020

Eugene all coin "Stronger than death"

02 March 2020, 18:00
category: seminar/training
place: Hotel-restaurant complex "Odessa" (Gagarin plateau, 5)

"Man dies only once in life and because I have no experience, dies badly. People do not know how to die his death is groping in the dark. But death, as any activity that requires skill. We need to die well, we must learn death. And for this you must die while still living, under the guidance of experienced people already dying." (father Pavel Florensky) For the first time in Ukraine the seminar-instruction "STRONGER than DEATH", training Eugene Koynova, student Dr. Torsunov, the mysterious and delicate for a man subject: "is there light at the end of the tunnel?". What is death? Most people with this word are related fatality, despair, helplessness and sorrow. The theme of death in the modern world causes fear and is therefore taboo. As a result, complete ignorance in these matters. Death finds of modern people by surprise - as the person leaving the body and his family. Few understand that this process can be controlled and influence the outcome. Did you know that close recently left the body badly need our help. Instead, get the damaging effects of vodka and negative emotions on relatives at the funeral and the Wake. St. John of Kronstadt said: “Who remembers the dead vodka, and that they face more suffering podavlyaet.” What to do and what not to do, when the body leaves someone close to you. The theme of death is clearly related to our worldview - what we believe. Now most people believe in science, but it does not give knowledge in this field experiment did not deliver, and the attempt will be only one. Therefore, reasonable people draw knowledge from the Scriptures, the oldest of which are the Vedas. Death there is compared with change when we change clothes the old body for a new one. You're not going to cry for the old, worn-out coat? Or will you? For a person ignorant death - grief, fear and pain of loss. But armed with the knowledge she brings new features and the release of the superficial, unimportant. In the Vedas death compared to the cat, the jaws of which for a mouse is a pain and suffering, but her kitten, she gently and lovingly moves from place to place. You may ask what place does the soul? Where do you go after you die? In the Vedas there is an answer to this question. As for one of the most sensitive and delicate topics in the world - the death of loved ones, try to feel the difference between the pain of loss and the emotion of separation? First selfish, ignorant, destructive and is closed on itself, the second a bright, full of expectation, leads to rethinking and deepening relationships. Besides, according to the Vedas death is not a bony old woman in a hood and a scythe as we used to think (this way the personification of the disease), and a beautiful young girl in a white or pink dress. Knowledge will allow you to change your attitude towards death that will lead to the fact that the attitude to life will change – it will become richer and more meaningful. People will not spend so much effort on the hustle and bustle, things are secondary and unimportant, will rethink their relationships with friends and family. So: What is death? How to leave the body? What to do when a body leaves a loved one? As the soul gets a new body? What will happen after death? Where you can go after death? These and other questions we will discuss at the seminar "Stronger than death". Conducting the seminar Eugene all coin - student of Dr. Torsunov, a practicing psychologist, coach, Ayurvedic consultant for a healthy lifestyle. BUY ONLINE: Place: OK Odessa hall "Panoramic"! To live meetings!

The poster of the event — Eugene all coin "Stronger than death" in Hotel-restaurant complex "Odessa"