The events in Odessa at 07 March 2020

Gaetano Donizetti "Lucia di Lammermoor"

07 March 2020, 18:30
category: play
from 40 to 280 UAH
place: The Opera and ballet theatre (Tchaikovsky lane, 1)

Gaetano Donizetti       Opera in 2 acts       Libretto Salvatore Cammarano based on Walter Scott's novel Lammermoor Bride       Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes              At the heart of this work is Walter Scott's novel Lammermoor Bride. He is considered not the most successful creation of the writer, and therefore is not popular with readers, but attracts composers. Prior to Donizetti, operas based on the Scottish plot were written by Italians Michele Enrico Carafa di Colobrano and Alberto Mazzukato, as well as Dane Ivar Fredrik Bredal on the libretto of Hans Christian Andersen. However, the work of Donizetti replaced the works of his predecessors from the stage.              The opera takes place in Scotland, but the authors changed the British character names to more Italian ones more harmonious for themselves. Lord Enrico (Henry) wants to give his sister Lucia (Lucy) for the rich nobleman Arthur in order to improve his financial situation. However, Lucia secretly engaged to Lord Edgar, the enemy of her brother, and rejects marriage of convenience. Then Enrique resorts to deceit, convincing her sister of the treachery of her lover. Lucia agrees to become Arthur's wife, but at the time of signing the marriage contract, Edgar appears. He accuses the bride of treason and accepts the challenge to a duel from Enrico. On a wedding night, in a fit of madness, Lucia kills Arthur and dies herself. Edgar ends his life at the tomb of his beloved.

The poster of the event — Gaetano Donizetti "Lucia di Lammermoor" in The Opera and ballet theatre