The events in Odessa at 07 March 2020

Ostrovsky on the image of a woman in art

07 March 2020, 16:00
category: lecture
150 UAH
place: Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa" (1A Grecheskaya street)

Goddesses and warriors, beloved and mysterious strangers, muses and creators ... Women have a lot of roles in art, and we are going to talk about them all!              We will meet on March 7 at a lecture on the image of a woman in art. Do not forget to call friends!              Registration:              When: March 7, 16:00       Where: Impact Hub Odessa (Greek Street, 1A)       How much: 150 UAH (advance payment is required on the card)

The poster of the event — Ostrovsky on the image of a woman in art in Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa"