The events in Odessa at 07 March 2020

Legends of Masonic Odessa

07 March 2020, 11:00
category: tour
200 UAH
place: Location (specified when registering)

The tour is dedicated to a topic that has long been closed - the influence of the Masonic movement on the formation of the architectural image of Odessa, the culture and elite of our city. The names of historical characters - Deribas, Langeron, Richelieu, Vorontsov - are associated with this powerful and mysterious organization. We offer you to plunge into this mysterious page of history ...              The tour is conducted by local historian Tamara Pavlovna Bykhanova              Record and inquiries by phones: 063-17-11-844 (viber), 063-625-21-98 or via social networks (message).              Cost - 200 hryvnias per person.              #Excursions through Odessa, # Legend of the Masonic Odessa, # Locations Odessa

The poster of the event — Legends of Masonic Odessa in Location