The events in Odessa at 08 March 2020

Curatorial tour with Hero Gurudeva

08 March 2020, 16:00
category: tour
100 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

Welcome to the last tour-the conversation about the exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the fateful voyage of the ship "Ruslan" with the curator Gera Grudev.  When: Sunday, March 8  16:00  Where: the Jewish Museum, ul Nezhinskaya, 66 (code 357)  Conditions of participation: a charitable contribution from 100₴ ℹ️ "Mayflower" Zionism, "the First swallow of the third aliyah", "the ship" — has been called Jewish writers of the flight, which at the end of November, 1919, from Odessa to Jaffa went 644 passengers, most of whom later deservedly took pride of place in the Zionist Pantheon. Historians and philosophers, politicians and social activists, artists and poets, Halutz and random refugees who not only had to "Ruslan". About full of exciting details of the operation on preparation of a flight, the flight and its passengers, as well as about the role played by many of them in the formation of Israeli society will tell the exhibition "100 Ruslan: the remarkable century of flight" opens at the Museum of history of Odessa Jews "Migdal-Shorashim". Superficial acquaintance with the list of passengers enough to understand the significance of "the voyage", the historian Joseph Klausner, architects Judah Magidovich and Zeev Rechter, the future editor of the newspaper "Haaretz" Moshe Glikson, artists Pinchas Litvinovsky, Yitzhak Frenkel, Joseph Constantine, cartoonist Arye Navon, dancer and pioneer of Israeli cinema Baruch Agadati, Chaim Jassy, the chief doctor of the hospital, "Hadassah", who died in a medical convoy in 1948, epidemiologist text of Avigdori, Professor Arie Dostrovsky, Rachel Cohen-Kagan, one of the signers of the Declaration of independence of Israel, Rose Cohen, mother of the future Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the poet Rachel, Jacob Changes with extensive personal collection of books and priceless art collection. In this jubilee year let's try to understand in a loud metaphors and to understand whether the ship "Ruslan" is actually Jewish the Ghost ship, our own Flying Dutchman, claimed from Odessa hundreds of prominent and talented of its residents, who would build a new world on the new earth.

The poster of the event — Curatorial tour with Hero Gurudeva in Location