The events in Odessa at 07 March 2020

Tantric Sexology with Andrei Lubarsky / Tantra No. 7

07 March 2020, 08:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (specified when registering)

❇️ Tantra # 7❇️       March 7 from 8.00-18.00               DEPTH AND REFLECTION IN EVERYTHING               ✅The path of development in the awareness of the Universe and oneself.       ✅ Secret tantric practices.       ✅ Relaxing techniques of working with one’s own body and state, increasing the sensitivity of perception.       ✅ Psycho-emotional ecstatic states.       ✅ Various ways, updating the improvement of the intimate-personal sphere and sexuality.        ✅Integration of material and spiritual development in everyday life with the creation of various facets of health.       ✅Eastern and Western sexology with features of individual female and male practices, modern approaches and modifications of tantric massage in paired practices.       ✅New coils of increasing adaptability with unlimited creativity and inspiration through tantric practices.       ✅Knowledge of new creative depths and ways of self-realization, mission;       comprehension of a state of happiness and unconditional love.                     ❕In the 7th seminar, an important practice is the coach of sexual, partnerships, discussions and actions in the vicinity.       ❕ And practice from Tantra No. 6       ⏳ HEALTH, INSPIRATION AND CREATIVITY IN LOVE                      ♻️Subscribe to the group by pre-registration.              Cost: $ 50       from February: $ 60       Prepayment: $ 20       Event Day: $ 70              Registration is required!       For all questions, contact Oksana Kostyuk:              Contact phone: 048 772 65 14

The poster of the event — Tantric Sexology with Andrei Lubarsky / Tantra No. 7 in Location