The events in Odessa at 24 March 2020

Ancient language of icons. Lecture by Natalia Gridneva

24 March 2020, 15:00
category: lecture
50 UAH
place: The Museum of personal collections them. Bleshunov (Polish str., 19)

The collection of icon paintings is one of the most significant in the museum collection. It includes the works of Russian and Ukrainian icon painters - both official and folk artists.              While the lower floor of the museum is closed and the halls are not accessible for visiting, you can get acquainted with the collection at the non-trivial and informative lecture of the museum’s senior researcher Natalia Gridneva “The Ancient Language of Icons”, accompanied by photographs of the exhibits. Viewers will hear a story about the history of the icon, its appearance and significance, learn about the technique and materials of icon painting.              Natalia Gridneva will show a variety of icon-painting plots, images of saints, their symbolism (saints as patrons of cities and countries, this or that kind of activity, defenders from certain misfortunes). A unique collection of Old Believer Lipovan icons will be presented separately (Lipovans are Russian Old Believers living on the banks of the Dniester and Danube).              We meet in the communicative and exhibition space of the museum Apartment No. 6 on March 24 at 15:00       Ticket for a lecture 50 UAH. Entrance to the exhibition is included in the price       We reserve a place in private messages or by calling the number: (048) 722-10-81 with the name and telephone number.

The poster of the event — Ancient language of icons. Lecture by Natalia Gridneva in The Museum of personal collections them. Bleshunov