The events in Odessa at 07 March 2020

Stop smoking forever in 2 hours

07 March 2020, 10:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (specified when registering)

Want to quit smoking forever? The American System of Holistic Therapy of Consciousness can help you with this.       ***************************************************** *       ***************************************************** *       We invite everyone who wants to quit smoking to individual sessions of the Holistic Therapy of Consciousness (CTS) to quit smoking at a convenient time for you. Smoking is not a nicotine addiction, but a habit. It is controlled by our subconscious, which controls various processes in the body, for example, blood flow through the vessels, breathing at night, when, it would seem, we do not think about it, and all good and bad habits. Including smoking. Nicotine lasts only 72 hours in the body and then there is no “breakdown”, like an addicted person (drug addict), there are only thoughts in your head about the desire to smoke (these are tricks of the subconscious). With the help of a unique methodology based on XTC, we will help everyone who wants to get rid of this habit correctly and painlessly. HTS directs associations with the pleasure that a person receives from smoking in a different direction - for example, in sports. Becoming a healthy, calm, confident and happy person will be even easier. For the same reason, people DO NOT gain excess weight, DO NOT start biting their nails, but simply become more calm and relaxed. People who quit smoking cease to get annoyed over trifles and quarrel with their loved ones, friends and colleagues.My name is Nikolai Velichko. I am a certified Holistic Mind Therapy specialist, Smoking Cessation Specialist.              Registration for the session only after passing a free consultation. Registration for a free consultation is available at              Moreover, we offer a lifetime warranty *, since more than 95% of people completely quit smoking after one XTS session. If in the first 15 minutes we decide that our methodology is not suitable for you, we will refuse to work with you and return all your money to you. Because for us there is nothing more important than your success. So why not make an appointment and get rid of this bad habit?              We also bring to your attention the XTS session “Quit Smoking Forever” in audio recordings. Listen to it in your free time. The cost of this session is only $ 9 (the cost of only 5 packs of cigarettes). Although listening to an audio recording is not as effective as an individual XTS session with a guarantee, still in 70% of cases a person quits smoking easily and simply, and the rest begin to smoke much less.       Give yourself a present, leaving your old habit in the past!       To purchase this audio recording - write to us in a personal on facebook or vibe +380964536892.              The people we refuse to work with are those who really don't want to quit smoking for themselves. For example, people who were forced by their wives or husbands, and who really do not want to be in the session. After all, we cannot force a person to do what he does not want.Simpler and easier way you will not find, do not wait, you need to act!              * - under the guarantee is meant an additional free XTS session on smoking cessation for those people who again smoke, regardless of whether a week has passed after the session or a year. The warranty applies only to individual XTS sessions.

The poster of the event — Stop smoking forever in 2 hours in Location