The events in Odessa at 22 May 2020

Web_nar: Vizannnya vikonannya rishennya court about the tightening of alimen

22 May 2020, 10:00
category: online
place: Location (specified when registering)

I’m asking for a webinar, “Vizannya that vikonannya rishennya court, about the tightening of the alimony to ditina, as a result, the bourgeois living behind the cordon”, half an hour ago:              1. The law regulates the nutrition of life and that of the judgment of the court about the tightening of the allegations;       2. A lawyer’s opinion on life and on the court rishhennyam court about tightened allegations;       3. Preparation of documents and execution of a statement about the issue and the resolution of the court;       4. The procedure for submission of a statement of remit and that of judgment to the court;       5. The order of execution is that submission of clause about the issue and the resolution to the court of law before the Convention on the legal support of legal rights of the civil, family and criminal right;       6. A look at the problematic meals, why can they win the week and the weekend rulings to the court about tightened allegations.              Registration:

The poster of the event — Web_nar: Vizannnya vikonannya rishennya court about the tightening of alimen in Location