The events in Odessa at 18 May 2020

International Museum Day: Risnomanism and Inclusion

18 May 2020, 11:00
category: online
place: Art Museum (Sophia, 5A)

❗️ ONLINE-PODIA              Shchoroku 18 grass all museums іvdkrivayut their doors for vіdvіduvachіv, abi vіvdsvyatkuvatі International day of museums. So very quickly, the International Council of Museums is taking away and solidifying the theme of the International Day of Museums, which is to say that the main and main thing is to woo the respect of suspension. The theme is “The Museum for the sake of equality: independence and inclusion”, although the desire for a bullet has been quarantined back to ears, symbolically, it has infected all the planet’s people equally. We are “impressed” by the sound of the zokrem, from museums, and of new acquisitions of the new, remote, behind the other digital channels.              The International Council of Museums is nudging on the fact that the potential of museums is to produce important deliveries for people of some kind of centrality to the plan of major importance for suspension. As an agent, I’m in charge of an institution, I’m in a state of affairs, we don’t just cannot and I don’t want to ignore this important day - we’ve violated the organization’s online help online. Alya is sacred not in the senses of all ages, but in sacred terms, as a rule, you should talk and talk about important issues of inclusion and privacy, moreover, one and the same thing is more important for them to be sexually active, , rivnya sanctify, physical abilities, political accessories and religion reconstructions. And also, to give you the power of visibility and vidchuti, as vidviduyut (for some reason, sorry, do not bother zmogi vidviduvati) museums with absolutely new needs.18 grass of the schogodini - from 11:00 to 21:00 in the evening - you can check on-line online code of Odessa art on three squares:               direct efіrі at Facebook;        direct efіrі on Instagram;        in the format of Zoom-conference.              PARTICIPATION IN BUD-YAKII ZHI IS NON-BASED.              ✔️ At special thematic excursions on the application of robots from Odessa collections, we talk about ethnicity and relational art, about the artist-representative of the LGBT community, as well as a wide table. Excursions pass through the Russian, Ukrainian, English, and also with a gesture of my own (sign language interpretation).              ✔️ You are also checked by direct representatives of the International Museum of Ukraine, who share their work with inclusive robots, and also find out about the best of them, as well as you can listen to Ukrainian music.              ✔️ The hour of children’s master-class is our favorite nightmare to earn money for painting dummies and to try out the dots, as well as to learn more about them.              ONE-TIME DETAILED DETAILED ONLINE-PODII'S APPLY NECESSARILY.              From the impatience to the check for such a high degree, I am important for you.

The poster of the event — International Museum Day: Risnomanism and Inclusion in Art Museum