The events in Odessa at 22 May 2020

"Symphony painting" over a Cup of coffee: Victoria Romashchenko "grace art of small talk"

22 May 2020, 11:00
category: online
37 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

To form professionals! The author's project, designed to connect the bearing faces of art! 7 speakers, 7 unique notes, experience and knowledge which will play "Symphony painting" of this art before your eyes! A Frank interview over coffee with the carriers of unique knowledge. Speakers and topics:  18.05. Vladimir Ostrovsky "Modern & classical art: clash of the titans?" Art historian and musician. The bright light of knowledge, illuminating the mysteries of the art world. An outstanding representative of the cultural life of Odessa.  19.05. Olga Kuts "Ukrainian pearl of painting" A graduate of the famous Raincy. Not familiar with the work of international artists - restorer. Witness the life of the genius painter, his Muse and loyal companion.  20.05. Natalia Rebdev "Music and painting. Dance art" Master of architecture (SCIENTIFIC), curator of the project "In.STAN.t.", curator of the project YOU CREATE. The author of the lectures on Art History.  21.05. Snezhana Poplavskaya "Art and therapy: the distortion of the perception of beauty" Psychologist - psychotherapist, a certified art therapist, PhD. Founder and Director of the Studio Art-Psy Club.  22.05. Victoria Romashchenko "Grace art of small talk" Specialist in social, business and family etiquette. The founder of the School of etiquette and elegant manners. the author of the Etiquette Familia. Candidate of legal Sciences.  23.05. Tatyana Poplavskaya "The meaning and purpose of art: secret faces" Ph. D., associate Professor in the Department of philosophy, sociology and management of social and cultural activities of UNPO them. K. D. Ushinsky. Thinker of our time, gathered the invaluable experience of previous eras and centuries.  24.05. Elena Shevchenko "The blue ocean: realities" Inspirer and founder of Lenni-Yur. Public figure. The author of dozens of social projects, co-producer of the film "Symphony of paintings by Vadim Kucher-of Kuts". Let us together to learn something that will make our world a better place!  The greatest gift that we have been able to do for You is the cost of participation - 37 UAH (the cost of 1 Cup of coffee).  Be sure to register and be sure to tell your friends! ⬇This detailed information and registration on the website:

The poster of the event — "Symphony painting" over a Cup of coffee: Victoria Romashchenko "grace art of small talk" in Location