The events in Odessa at 14 June 2020

Feng Shui "Karma city"

14 June 2020, 11:00
category: religion/spirituality
place: Center Feng Shui "southern star" (lane Kataeva, 2)

☯ This science of Feng Shui is very versatile and does not tolerate superficial attitude! With the help of Feng Shui can be considered an individual, their apartment, business and even the city in which we live! ⠀ ☝ This is, however, larger and mnogofunkcionalniy the subject of our interest, the diagnosis and recommendations of a more extensive and thorough. ⠀  City is a huge living organism with its own infrastructure, soul, energy, disease and karma. As in every living organism, the city can be places of pain, stagnation, and Vice versa, a very successful and beautiful areas. All these areas are formed not by chance, but with plenty of space regularity. ⠀ Have each compass direction corresponds to one of the twelve sacred animals. And yet, in each of the directions applies one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Clear compliance with the animal constellation is found only in certain segments. ⠀ ☯ This Feng Shui is a science. But science does not tolerate ignorance! And remember that the city brings success to those who really believe in him and looks at the world with a sincere smile! ⠀ ⁉ app What's the karma of your city? ⠀ 珞 Invite You to the webinar "Karma city", where you will learn that: - any city is divided into 12 karmic area, which forms the fortune of the individual. Any area can make a person rich, and some lead to severe illness and loneliness. All this considered individually by date of birth. There is a karma number of storeys of buildings and of each floor, there is the karma of rooms and apartments. We live in a house not by accident. In this webinar You will learn the karmic map. Learn the rules of enhance and correct, will receive the keys to harmonizing the home. 珞Holds a master of Feng Shui international class Hope Bespalova. ☝This is the date and time of event: 14 June, from 11.00 to 17.00. For more information, please contact us by tel: 050 398 88 66

The poster of the event — Feng Shui "Karma city" in Center Feng Shui "southern star"