The events in Odessa at 27 June 2020

Triathlon / X-Terra "Hadzhibey"

27 June 2020, 14:00
category: sport
place: Location (look in the description)

Triatlona Cross Country race "hadzhibey" 27 Jun 2020 organizer "Odessa Cycling club". with the support of Triathlon Federation Of Odessa Region The purpose of this event is to attract more athletes who just ride, run ,swim, to try out for the competition, the development of sport in Odessa region and Ukraine, stimulate each participant to improve their own athletic performance. Funding is provided through investment of the organizers and entry fees. This provision is an official invitation to participate in the competition! Place and time of the event The competition will take place on 27 June 2020 near Paliivka village on the banks of the estuary Hajibeyova. The coordinates of the starting point: N48 28,009 E34 51,413 (WGS84). Tracks swim : 500 m Cycling : 10 km running : 4 km The schedule of the race Information support The admission to participation in competition To participate in the competition allowed persons aged 16 years and older. To start allowed participants on bicycles with wheels of 26, 27.5, 28 or 29 inches with serviceable brakes on both wheels and adapted to participate in competitions on rough terrain. The organizers reserve the right not to allow the party on the bike, the technical condition which does not meet generally accepted standards. The presence of a helmet is a must. Participants not complying with these conditions will not be accepted. Party seen on the track without a helmet will be DISQUALIFIED. Each athlete is personally responsible for the technical condition of their bike, for their health and the adequacy of their actions throughout the course. Charity entry fee Amount of entry fee for Solo categories - UAH, Relays UAH. Registration fee payment at stake Privat 5363 5420 1071 3155 Malyshev Vladislav Pre-registration Pre-registration for the QC triathlon "hadzhibey" Category 1. Solo. Men (swim,bike,run) 2. Solo. Women (swim,bike,run) 3. Relay (team of 3 people, one passes the baton swims, one rides, passing the baton, one runs. the team may consist of men and women.) Technical area (technical area), the technical point (technical point), and technical assistance. Those.area is arranged in the area of the starting camp. Permitted repair and replacement of the Bicycle or its parts. Those in the area participants may receive technical assistance from anyone. In case of breakage of the bike race, the racer has the right to independently or with the assistance of members of his team to repair the bike and/or replacement of Bicycle parts . The driver and his helpers must not cause interference to other drivers. Not doing this may result in a warning and/or a fine. If not, the circle must be complete walk around the track with the bike. In addition at a distance in places of power can organize those items with a minimal set of spare parts and tools. Parts, tools and help with technical points may be provided by the organisers and the teams riders. Accommodation participants are: for swimmers at the hip and or shoulder for cyclists, bike handlebar for runners on the chest For participants of the solo in all these places. "Cutting""Cutting" route, way out beyond the tracks is strictly forbidden and is penalized by adding to the result of the penalty time (10 minutes or more), or DISQUALIFICATION depending on the severity of the offense. Outside the track is allowed in exceptional cases - if there is an obstacle which is impossible to avoid it in the lines (the dam, the destruction of the track surface etc), the detour should not reduce the distance and not give any advantage over the other racers. After the maneuver the rider immediately needs to get back on track. Leadership development (adherence to the "wheel") Pacing is allowed, but only if the rider follows another rider was. Pacing behind the vehicles or unregistered riders (cyclists) are not allowed. The advantage of motion Riders travelling riding a bike, have an advantage over the dismounted riders. Racers pushing or carrying their bikes should travel on the least travelled side of the road at the moment when they overtake. Racers pushing or carrying their bikes can overtake a moving cyclist, if they do not create traffic problems. "Circular" Riders, overtake on the circle must give way to leaders. Overtaking must loudly announce the intention of overtaking, shouting "walk right" or "walk left". Safe overtaking is the responsibility of the overtaking. Positional battle When two riders are fighting for a place on the track, leading not obliged to cede the position of overtaking (with the exception of the "circular"). However, prohibited sharp change of a trajectory of movement being overtaken and any touch (body or bike parts), to prevent movement. Overtaking in turn, should ensure the safety of the maneuver. Sportsmanship Reckless driving, use of foul language, insults and other unsportsmanlike conduct can be cause for a warning, but subsequent violations and suspensions. The penalty in each case is determined by the chief judge of the race. Water and food Water and meals may be provided to the athletes by anyone, in any place of the track. However, athletes must not interfere with other participants, taking water and food. Throwing packages, wrappers and containers on the highway is prohibited. Circumstances of insuperable force (force majeure) In the event of force majeure (weather, social, political, etc.), such that competitions can be dangerous, the race may be interrupted. In this case, the final Protocol is issued at the time of the decision of cancellation. Rewarding Participants in the 1st-3rd place in each category will be awarded with medals and diplomas. At the end of the competition will be the Ear. Tent city check - in with the Kiev highway, for cars and bikes !!! Note - the dam is blurred. The dam passage and no passage. Travel from the railway station

The poster of the event — Triathlon / X-Terra "Hadzhibey" in Location