The events in Odessa at 14 June 2020

"Manifestations" By Alexander Yakimchuk

14 June 2020, 11:00
category: exhibition
place: Museum of Western and Oriental art (Pushkinskaya str., 9)

Solo exhibition of black-and-white photos of Alexander Yakimchuk Since June 6, at the Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental art (#WEartMuseum)  Touching black and white photographs happened to me in 10 years. Me on my birthday, my parents gave the most simple Soviet camera Smena-8m , and then film, film development, enlarger, print photos. My childhood and youth passed together with a camera and black and white photography, the magic of the appearance of the image on the paper stayed with me. And already in adulthood, I returned to the roots that inspired me and it became something big, a part of me. Photography became part of my life. The work of Jaromir Funke, the photographer of the Czech avant-garde of the 30's, was impressed and asked in many ways, the course of my work - I felt his desire to touch the feelings, to love, and his faith that the light brings love. Photo lifted me, great strength and desire to discover the wealth of our inner world. That's what I try to convey and reinforce in their students, courses on "Composition and content of the picture" that are taught. Search foundations of their faith . I couldn't imagine that the craze of childhood grow into something more I'll want to show your Odessa, that feeling, the one where I live, the girl I love, where the streets, you often meet smile, hear jokes and greeting -"good day". This is my city, a city that I love, a city that is said to me gratefully, he opened in me – me. Offer yourself to touch and to take in its atmosphere. The atmosphere of the refraction of light, pass it through yourself. Try to feel and find in this a part of yourself. Each work is a reflection, the attempt to understand yourself in a flood of light filling the space of the city. The exhibition "Manifestations," begins with the film of paper, "manifestations" of himself, the city, its beauty, its fears, it is my search for peace. The exhibition presents the work of over 10 years, from 2010 to 2020. All photos shot on black and white film shown by me and then printed by me on jelatinizirovanny photo paper. Welcome to my world "Manifestations"! Photography was carried away in 1984 2006-2020 study of the history of photography, learning the basics of geometric composition, the creation of the author's course "Composition and content of the photos" 2014 first personal exhibition in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine "city by the sea" 2014 second personal exhibition in Odessa, Ukraine "city by the sea" 2015 third personal exhibition in Odessa, Ukraine "the Beloved city. My conversation" 2016 the operator of the documentary "Adobes Word." In 2018 the film was awarded the Ukrainian film award "Gold Dzyga" in the category best documentary. 2017 fourth solo exhibition in Istanbul Turkey "I BELIVE - I LIVE" 2018 fifth personal exhibition in the framework of the world forum "London Street Photography Festival" in London 2015 -2018 lecturer of the author's course in "Creative space "Interpretation" "Composition and content of the photos" Odessa 2018-2020 read the author's course "Composition and content of photographs." 〽 this light – the magic light of Yakymchuk, always correctly guess not only the direction and concentration of light fluxes, which are captured by the camera picture of the inevitable will shock the audience with their organic will cause their souls are strong, sympathetic, and even enthusiastic response, but -- believe it or not -- even the subsequent evolution of the divine light, the mysterious property, but a characteristic of the best works of the artist. How can I explain this Briefly... is unlikely to succeed, but I'll try. Maybe so... that's a rare combination in each of the easel pictures of Yakymchuk unfinished, caught up in the development of the plot that began somewhere beyond the visible and will end God knows where, and the continuous variability of the light causes a sense of inner movement, of incompleteness, not only in substantive, meaningful sense, but even in the composite system works. Whoever got to sphere of attention of a photographer, a woman, proberutsya to us with a cardboard Cup in hand; "Madam Storozhenko," with a radiant smile hanging over slippery fish counter; a street musician, detachedly staring at the side, over their heads, on his accordion, stoop-shouldered in front of the chessboard the yard of the grandmaster; the girl, waiting peremennaya from foot to foot at the crossroads; the old woman, towering over my vegetable layout on the side of the road; sailor, huddled near the poster booth (a simple list is endless), -- the next moment will continue its existence beyond the borders of constructed Yakimchuk frame. Deystvitelnosti is embodied here in such a way that a photograph stopped time, and continues in spite of formal logic, flow, last, so to speak, in the area of meaningful absence. It would seem in principle impossible. After all, while agreeing that the -- the electron is a corpuscle and a wave simultaneously, we nevertheless recorded in the experience of one or the other. There is no other way. But in the case of Yakimchuk's senses suddenly, tilting is known to us almost from school, their opportunities expand immensely. We delight to contemplate the familiar chill in his stomach, Odessa types in the atmosphere, recognizable and endearing: every (or each) of these women and children, pensioners and students, fisherman and carrier, unknown to passers-by and cherished neighbors, appears to us in all its glory, gives himself thoroughly to get a good look. But it goes beyond that. They filmed that in our imagination of themselves, vividly and tangibly deployed significant parts of their daily existence, not represented in the photos-it melted where we were not, and has not yet taken place, where we probably will not. Valery Baranovsky 31.12.2014. (about the photographs of Alexander Yakymchuk at the exhibition "city by the sea", Odessa, the House with an Angel, December 2014)  Since June 6, at the Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental art Daily (except Wednesdays) ⏳ 11:00 - 17:00 (weekdays) ⏳ 11:00 - 18:00 (weekends) Pushkinskaya, 9

The poster of the event — "Manifestations" By Alexander Yakimchuk in Museum of Western and Oriental art