The events in Odessa at 06 June 2020

Give us Roitburd! 2.0

06 June 2020, 11:00
category: charity
place: Location (look in the description)

Friends! Odessa art needs your help again! 28 may Odessa three judges decided that Alexander Roitburd still can not be the Director of the Museum, legalizing the decision of deputies of regional Council from September 4, 2019. Then in September, we together managed to create a public pressure that helped Roitburd to appeal the decision in court. But even after this, the deputies did not stop there and appealed. Given the enormous public significance of this case not only for parties but also for residents, a large number of participants, as well as the motion of holding a public hearing, the court ignored all this and held a hearing quietly to avoid a public outcry. The decision — relevant. So we need to meet again to require the regional Council to recall the decision of 4 September 2019 about breaking the contract with the Director of the Odessa art Museum Alexander Roitburd. Our plan for Saturday: - to gather under the building of regional Council (Shevchenko Avenue, 4); - to sign the request to regional Council; to draw to meeting as many cool posters. IMPORTANT: the organizers of the rally are doing everything to ensure that you were safe. We ask that you arrive in a protective mask and stay home if you feel ill. There will be special markings that would allow the protesters to respect the distance of half a meter from each other. Friends! For 2 years the team led by Alexander Roitburd made the Museum our most favorite urban location. We are proud to Odessa art has become one of the most popular cultural projects in the country. We don't want personal dislike of a few people stopped the work of one of the best art museums in Ukraine. Party organizations can participate without their symbolism. June 6, Saturday, at 11:00 waiting for you on Shevchenko Avenue, 4.

The poster of the event — Give us Roitburd! 2.0 in Location