The events in Odessa at 16 June 2020

Yak in excess in the resource quarantine: 6 life hacking

16 June 2020, 18:30
category: online
place: Educational space "Rehab" (lane Vice Admiral Zhukov, 17/19)

Stresses, depression, apathy, the lack of motivation - all the wiki, with such things now are all part. How to know in your own resources, to take up your Maybut and to drive hostile results of the robot over yourself? Rozpovіst expert!  Alla Zadneprovska - coach of the best special teams, business coach, CEO of the consulting group “Live Dilo”, professional coach of the International Federation of Coaching, author and lead teacher of the International Integrated School Coaching. 16 worms on an online lecture vona rozpovіst:  Scho robiti with a stress just at a time  Yakim є sound’s problems and problems  Why negative emotion - a response to  Yak adaptivisya pіd real krizi i zmіn Lecture go through the format online. You will receive a message on live broadcasting on your own post for half a year to the cob. ⏰ 16 worms (vіvtorok) from 18:30 to 20:00  Postlessly, registration: Spread no corinthians come in that is new, subscribe to the Telegram channel of the TSEHAB:

The poster of the event — Yak in excess in the resource quarantine: 6 life hacking in Educational space "Rehab"