The events in Odessa at 15 June 2020

We didn’t check such landings

15 June 2020, 18:00
category: more
place: Location (look in the description)

At a time at the Shevchenkivskiy district court m. Kyiv, there will be a trial on the day of the early sunset Sergiy Sternenku. Right Sternenka vіdoma all Ukraine. Sergiy, who actively stepped up against the feudal-oligarchic clan Galanternik - Trukhanov, was called up to the deadly drive-in of the hired man; Yakom Sternenk was arrested by the same Galanternik - Trukhanov. The situation is absurd, but our reality. Do not defend yourself, as if you are driving in! The very same message kidna system is a huge suspension. At the time of about 18-00, we will include the direct broadcast of the Odessa State Power Administration. ODE as a representative of the presidential party owned in Odeschi. We didn’t check such landings, to Volodimir Oleksandrovich. The deputies of the attacks on the enormous dyyachiv in Odessa feel good to themselves, and you can only see us from us. Come, be active and not say anything, voice your huge position and hang your thought with fairness in advance. Sergiy Sternenko Oleg Mikhaylik Vitaliy Ustimenko Mikhailo Kuzakon Alina Podolyanka (Alina Radchenko) Svetlana Podpalyaya Grigory Kozma (Grig Cozma)

The poster of the event — We didn’t check such landings in Location