The events in Odessa at 28 June 2020

Travel quest for children

28 June 2020, 10:00
category: the game
170 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

“Happy is he who skillfully takes under his protection what he loves,” said the ancient Roman poet Publius Ovid Ozon, with which our Anna Kvyatkovskaya completely agrees, and offers you, dear parents, to take those whom you love more than anything, t .e. your children, and go with us on a journey-quest through beloved Odessa. This time we will study Odessa contrasting. It will be revealed to us from completely different sides: brilliant, rich, spiritualized and, literally around the corner, forgotten by time and people. We will read theater codes; count the tiles of the city, playing a forgotten game; make a puzzle from a great work; figure out where the temple of money was, and why music reigns there now. We will go down deep underground, and having risen, we will try ourselves in the role of graffiti, visit kittens in the old courtyard, and we will solve the riddles of old maps and no less old sculptures. We will continue to explore our hometown! Let's get to know and love this city together! And, returning to the words of the wise poet of the ancient Roman family, we must ask ourselves the question: are we ready to take under our protection what we love, i.e. your hometown! Let us show our children how to do this with our own example! We are waiting for you in comfortable shoes and in a good mood.  Date and time: June 28 at 10.00 Type: pedestrian  Place of collection: Palais Royal, at the fountain  Tour guide: Anna Kvyatkovskaya  Cost - 170 UAH. Friends, pre-registration for this tour is required! Phone for registration +380676540205. We are waiting for you to fall in love with Odessa together again! 

The poster of the event — Travel quest for children in Location