The events in Odessa at 27 June 2020

Our right is to live without pain

27 June 2020, 12:00
category: more
place: The monument to Duke de Richelieu (Potemkin stairs)

OUR RIGHT - LIVE WITHOUT PAIN! Itself with this response to the great video of protest at the Great Mystes. Our meta is indefinitely unlawful - the law of regulation of the controlled obigu kanabisu and yogo pohidnih for science and medical consumers. Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine is a signatory to people, their lives and health, honor and honor, lack of support and security are most important to us. Article 27 of the Constitution, I’m saying that I’ve got a lot of people є an obyazyazy power of the right skin. I see that I am saying that lack of activity and ignorance of consumer rights are right for people, and for securing drugs in a way that is based on the rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan, so as to violate constitutional standards, so fundamental human rights. Plіch-of-plіch of patsієntskimi spіlnotami, Gromadska aktivіstami, cultural dіyachami that vsіma hto vіdchuvaє sotsіalnu vіdpovіdalnіst, mi guchno vimagatimemo publіchnogo zvіtu od organіv tsentralnoї that mіstsevoї vikonavchoї Vladi about the cause of failure in realіzatsії Strategії State polіtiki schodo narkotikіv, she'll zaklikati get used zahodіv Mostly safe access for patients to drugs with drugs, which can be taken care of. 27 worms, 12:00, monument to Duke de Richelieu, Odessa. To the hustle, March of Freedom P.S. Do not forget to pull on the mask in front of you. # Konoplіlіkiyut # MarchSvobodi # DS_legalayz # DS_kanabіs

The poster of the event — Our right is to live without pain in The monument to Duke de Richelieu