The events in Odessa at 18 July 2020

Extended resuscitation measures

18 July 2020, 10:00
category: seminar/training
place: The Centre Of Special Training (St. Composer Nishchinsky, 28)

According to statistics, more than 70 thousand people per year die from heart failure in Ukraine. (For comparison, the population of Chernomorsk is 70 thousand.) Most of these deaths can be prevented by immediately beginning the provision of emergency medical care before the arrival of specialists. Ukraine provides for legislative liability for medical employee for failure to provide assistance to the patient, improper performance of professional duties, violation of the patient's rights and official negligence. It is also worth considering the fact that most Ukrainians have a biased attitude to the actions of doctors. Therefore, any incidents that have at least the slightest hint of the ineffectiveness or illegality of medical manipulations, gain enormous public resonance, which damages the reputation of not only medical workers, but also the medical institution itself. Training program: 1. The basics of legislation regarding the provision of emergency medical care by medical workers; 2. A universal algorithm for assessing the patient's condition ABCDE; 3. Ensuring airway patency; 4. Carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs; 5. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; 6. Use of manual and automatic external defibrillators; 7. First-choice drugs and their administration; 8. Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pregnant women and children; 9. The rules of teamwork; 10. Recognition and assistance in life-threatening conditions: anaphylactic shock;local anesthetic intoxication, Lipid Rescue program; foreign body obstruction; acute myocardial infarction; acute cerebrovascular accident; hypoglycemia; asthmatic status; convulsive seizures, epilepsy; 11. Simulation scenarios; 12. Questions and answers. Find out the price and register:   050-01-43-423

The poster of the event — Extended resuscitation measures in The Centre Of Special Training