The events in Odessa at 18 July 2020

Romance, romance, the neo-romanticism / Piano and violin "Sleep Alsari"

18 July 2020, 19:30
category: concert
250 UAH
place: Hotel "Londonskaya" (Primorsky b-R, 11)

Night format OFF/ON LINE - along in 2 versions: Offline format restaurant / lounge-Seating at tables + glass of Prosecco welcome drink壟 Londonskaya Hotel / Primorsky Boulevard, 11 / patio Le Patio The number of places is limited. Pre-registration is 250 UAH All details by phones: +38(073)441 04 66, +38(067)418 10 72 Payment: transfer ✅ Privat 5168 7422 1854 8463 Online - wherever you want ( the broadcast starts at 20.00) .  Stream of concerts are held in the channels - subscribe: ✅ ✅  Donation is welcome To support the project at any time: ✅ Privat 5168 7422 1854 8463 ☝This is IMPORTANT! We for your security, therefore, took into account all the rules and guidelines of the Ministry of health for conducting activities during the period of quarantine Neoclassical project "Dream Alsari"- pure inspiration in the genre of neoclassical and newage. In the Arsenal of the Duo's compositions, piano, violin and 2 of the soul - at the piano ideas Maria Lemutkina and extraordinary musician multi-instrumentalist Lianna Kaushanskaya. Short romantic pieces "Sleep Alsari" on the relationship of man with nature and with each other mesh with the first notes, involuntarily forcing to empathize, drawing in the minds colorful images. Flowing stream of imaginative melodies will bring a lot of stories — sad and disturbing, full of happiness, of freedom and flight.

The poster of the event — Romance, romance, the neo-romanticism / Piano and violin "Sleep Alsari" in Hotel "Londonskaya"