The events in Odessa at 13 July 2020

Vladimir Ostrovsky about the history of fashion, about hairstyles, about dresses and ... about smells

13 July 2020, 19:00
category: lecture
480 UAH
place: The Agency experiences Odessa Factory Group (Preobrazhenskaya St., 11)

Author's meeting in a unique format! This has not happened in Odessa yet  What do you think a person has the deepest, longest memory for? Memory for smells. Remember, you are walking along a street or in a park and suddenly you hear the smell of flowering acacia. And immediately swirl away into some special evening of your life. In Odessa there is a very interesting store called “Muluar”. The owner of this establishment is incredibly sensitive to smells! And we had a stunning idea! Talk about fashion, hairstyles, dresses and smells that were in Europe in the 17-19 centuries! Vladimir Ostrovsky will talk about the history of fashion, and a representative from Muluar will talk about smells. All this will be accompanied by a special aromatic gun, which will blow into the space the patchouli aroma or the smells that Cleopatra preferred. An amazing collaboration in which all five human senses will be involved! ♥ ️ We invite you to plunge into the history of fashion and fragrances in the company of Vladimir Ostrovsky! Cost - 480 hryvnia. The price includes snacks and drinks  Registration by link:

The poster of the event — Vladimir Ostrovsky about the history of fashion, about hairstyles, about dresses and ... about smells in The Agency experiences Odessa Factory Group