The events in Odessa at 26 July 2020

More beautifully from OMKF: “Pala, pala, pala”

26 July 2020, 21:30
category: movie
from 110 to 160 UAH
place: Green theatre (Shevchenko Park)

Krashche z OMKF in the Green Theater 24-30 lipnya, 21:30 The pages are shown in my original with Ukrainian subtitles Dovgoochіkuvany! Loves! Dear friend! Popri all - Odessa International Film Festival to break into the Green Theater! Whatever fate OMKF will be able to see online online, Ale Odessa and Zeleniy Theater will be able to get a special program for the most important rock festival at once with the film festival team - 7 shows of a short festival movie in Lipno! All the pages in Russian rocky boules are shown at the Odessa International Film Festival in the competition or in post-competition programs. All the best, favorite, prize winner and best movie masterpieces. Let us turn around the festival atmosphere of a speculative Odessa year, staying at the Green Theater on the program “Paint with the OIF at the Green Theater”. Within the framework of the demonstrations, it is also planned to carry out a number of rosaries, to spend time with the OMKF team and the main activities. Follow our sidelines in the social theater of the Green Theater and OMKF!  PROGRAM: 26 Lipnya, 21:30 “Palaє, palaє, pala” Options: 27 Lipnya, 21:30 "Viktoriya" Options: 28 Lipnya, 21:30 "Cholovik, having bought Mysyats" Options: 29 Lipnya, 21:30 "King of the Belgians" Options: 30 lipnya, 21:30 “A portrait of a girl with a horse”Options: Ticket: 110 UAH (stіltsі) that 160 UAH (deck chairs) With a subscription card - 1 UAH. The partner of the Green Theater is the Logistic Company Amadeus Marine. DODATKOVA INFORMATSII  "Palaє, palaє, palaє" 26 lipnya, 21:30 Quotes: Genre: Comedy Director: Chaniya Button Cast: Laura Carmichael, Chloe Pirrі 26 sticks on the great screen of Zeleny - comedy, scho роз shaving heart and sleep є be a kind of skepticism. Grand prix 2016 rock was rejected by the line “Pala, pala, pala!” - її mi th marvel at the theater! Know - Tse Den. Veseliy, kloviy і dead. To his friends, Alex and Sef vin, demanding the development of ashes in all of England and filling in the detailed video instruction. London, Stonehenge, York - rise in price! Chernitsі і hіpі, kolishnі kokhantsi і vipadkovі companions, rankov pohmіllya і dances і bіlya vognischa. Everything for that, schob zrozumіti, scho іnodі kіnets - tse cob hat.  "Viktoriya" Lipnya, 21:30 Quotes: Genre: Crime Drama Director: Sebastian Shipper Cast: Laia Costa and Frederic Lau For an audience of 18+ The robot in our collection is especially special in the “Viktoria” film, which has been approved by the OMKF and the festival with its own style of recording, learning with one take without mounting gluing!Viktoria - іspanska dіvchina, yak live at Berlіnі. Once at the entrance to the club there is a chance to get to know the chirmirma lads - Sonne, Boxer, Blinker and Fus. Goodbye third show "reference Berlin". Ale a promenade on the right can’t be disjointed. Viyavlyaetsya, lads need to rozbratisya iz from a long time ago, and osklki one iz of them is busy p'yaniy, stink to ask Viktoria to beat the water, doki stink to rob the bank! The line “Viktoria” was one of eight, and they went to the short list of Nimechchini at the Oscar-2016 award at the nomination “Best movie of foreign mine”.  "Cholovik, having bought Mysyats” Lipnya, 21:30 Location: Green Theater, Odessa Quotes: Genre: Comedy Director: Paolo Zucca Vishukana, absurd, divine comedy, a yak not to deprive the bajudim of the zhodyadny look! Italy page Ч Cholovik, having bought a month ”showing the history of the life of the Sardinian ribalka, which would please the ready-made woman for everything - to give an insight to the month. And the Sardinians wait for a touch of obitsyank!  "King of the Belgians" Lipnya, 21:30 Quotes: Genre: Comedy Director: Peter Brosens, Jessica Gope Woodworth Tsogo lita sm_yatimeshsya dogo bagato! Bo on the screen of Zelenogo, there’s only one comedy, only once - a mock’s performance, who’s been fooling around the 8th OMKF, 99% of the audience has withered in itself and has taken away the Grand Prize!The King of Belgium, Nicolas III, loves his work, but he doesn’t act in vain. Schob correct the authority of the monarch, know your spirit about the king’s visit to Turechchini, but at the same time I’ve got my voice from the father’s house to receive three sounds: Belgium at the middle of the rose. Nicholas of goiters ’terminology vryatuvati Belgium in terms of separatism and ordering of film, alleys of all kindness were saved through a storm. The king and his entourage have to get through illegally numbered Balkan cordons, tasting yoghurt and viddivayuschie vid Serbian snipers. Hope, the deputy panegyric of the Belgian knowledge of the neuvmirny road-movie, is the same as all. And especially the king!  “Portrait of a lady at the front” Date: 30 Lipnya, 21:30 Quotes: Genre: Historical melodrama Director: Selin Syamma Cast: Adele Enel, Noemi Merlan, Valeria Golino Naikrashche completion vishukanoї piddіrki! The page-vodarka award for the best screenplay and the Queer Palm for the visibility of LGBT people in the film of the Cannes Film Festival-2019. The film, having rejected the nomination for the Golden Globe Award, is the most successful film (2019). "Portrait of a girl with a vogni" - mityetsk, tonka, special movie. The movie is roaming around the French Brittany of the 18th table. Young artist otrimuє zamovlennya on a cheerful portrait of the girl. Ale povnіstyu її pobachiti won not! Over the days, respectfully vivchaє your model, and at night you write a portrait. Step by step, the heroin closer approaching ...

The poster of the event — More beautifully from OMKF: “Pala, pala, pala” in Green theatre