The events in Odessa at 25 July 2020

Capsules. Project of Vyacheslav Kozak

25 July 2020, 10:30
category: exhibition
place: The Museum of personal collections them. Bleshunov (Polish str., 19)

I’m asking for a whistle project, attributions to robots and philosophical Maystra-Rizzyara z Luganska V’YACHESLAVA KOZAK The є show is the result of folding and emotionally important important people who, because of different circumstances and those who are physically backed up on the other side of the front line of separation / front on the Descent of Ukraine. Speak with the important ones, moreover, in the minds of the conflict, if you have to give up, then our side is simply not healthy. The image, which’s about the whole past show, is CAPSULI. On the cob of winnings in the Descent of Ukraine, the master has caught up with the traditional Ukrainian trees of the ikony. With your creativity, you’ll be reassured to discern physical and spiritual capsules, renew our universal and polarized light. The robots of the maystra are also seen at the National Maritime Museum in Paris, de win déjuvuv and vidtvoryuvav trees ’inhabitants of the galleons of France. Vіdkritty vistavki v_dbudetsya 17 lipnya at 16:00 for the address: metro Odessa, vul. Polska, 19. Vidvidati exhibition can be up to 2 sickles.

The poster of the event — Capsules. Project of Vyacheslav Kozak in The Museum of personal collections them. Bleshunov