The events in Odessa at 23 July 2020

OM Chanting at sunset

23 July 2020, 21:00
category: group training
free donation
place: Yoga Studio "by Jogada" (Marshala Govorova, 18a)

OM Chanting is a powerful group healing practice passed the line of the ancient Teachers to the modern era. The power of "OM" is enhanced by the repetition of the "OM" in a group of people organized in a certain way. The presence in the circle of OM Chanting helps to get rid of unwanted emotions, thoughts and negative energy. Parties experience internal lift, thereby bringing into your life peace, joy and love. To participate in OHM-Chanting do not need special training, and before a certified instructor to all participants in detail about what it is and how it is OM-Chanting. Moderator: Eugene Lavrenchuk - a teacher of Atma Kriya Yoga, the famous Director, Professor, Chief Director of the Odessa theater of Opera and Ballet. WHEN? 16, 23, 30 July (Thursday) at 21:00 WHERE? Practice will be held on the cosy terrace of the Studio Jagadam (Govorova 18A) Entrance: Donation - payment by heart Questions and Registration: contact (viber,telegram) 098-239-34-27 (Julia)

The poster of the event — OM Chanting at sunset in Yoga Studio "by Jogada"