The events in Odessa at 26 July 2020

Save Observatory

26 July 2020, 10:00
category: charity
place: Odessa planetarium ONU im. I. Mechnikov (Park them. Taras Shevchenko, St. Marazlievskaya, 1V)

The reduction of the territory of the Observatory in order kebab, a tour of the telescope. And just meeting friends! This is interesting!!! Research Institute "Astronomical Observatory" Odessa national University I. I. Mechnikov Odessa or Observatory is an astronomical Observatory, founded in 1871 in the Imperial University of Novorossiysk, had recently opened in Odessa, Ukraine. The Observatory part of the astronomy Department. After the liquidation in 1920, Novorossiysk University, the Observatory was renamed into the Odessa state astronomical Observatory, which at one time was called and worked as the Chief of the state astronomical Observatory of the people's Commissariat of Ukraine. In 1933, the Observatory is again included in the Department of astronomy created at the Odessa State University. At the time of the Nazi occupation, the Observatory was not injured and was not sacked. In the 1990s, the years of the Observatory were provided with new telescopes with diameters of mirrors: 80-cm — Turkmenistan, a 100-cm — in Slovakia. Then the Observatory was transferred to the rank of Scientific-research Institute of the 1st category while maintaining the historical name "Astronomical Observatory". Currently, the Observatory is a division of the Odessa national University and a collective member of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association.

The poster of the event — Save Observatory in Odessa planetarium ONU im. I. Mechnikov