The events in Odessa at 03 August 2020

Multiplication table and division for 8 lessons during the summer holidays

03 August 2020, 13:30
category: the courses
place: Center of intellectual development "Orpheus" (lane Rope, 6)

How to learn the multiplication table in a playful way? 80% OF PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS(AND THEIR PARENTS) SUFFER WITH THE MULTIPLICATION TABLE. BUT THERE IS A SOLUTION! You just have to CHANGE the WAY of solving the problem. How do we typically use? Right! Cramming. A way beaten, just a bit too much takes TIME AND effort! And NERVES too! Are is for centuries, we use ONLY ONE way! Invented cars, planes, mobile phones, computers, and how crammed 200-500-1000 years ago and continue to cram(((( ON THE COURSE "UMERICA" USED A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT METHOD OF REMEMBERING AND, IT TURNS OUT, IT CAN BE LEARNED, EFFORTLESSLY, IN JUST 5 LESSONS! The program UMERICA -To teach the multiplication table? Year learn table, and things are there? -The child always forgets the multiplication table? -Can't concentrate? -The child has a bad memory or you just can't find approach? -You don't know how to learn the multiplication table without tears and cramming? As a result, your child will get important skill: -Will learn the multiplication table -It will be easier to cope with objects of school program -Will have an interest in mathematics and education -Improve memory and concentration There are also training multiplication tables along with a division - in just 8 sessions! Sign up for the group at tel: 063 63 38 538

The poster of the event — Multiplication table and division for 8 lessons during the summer holidays in Center of intellectual development "Orpheus"