The events in Odessa at 03 August 2020

Odrex: Igor Yovenko / Anesthesia: magic and earth

03 August 2020, 19:00
category: lecture
free donation
place: Green theatre (Shevchenko Park)

3 Aug, 19:00 Entrance: free donation Continuing the tradition of popular scientific meetings with "Medical home Odrex" 3 August at 19:00 we wait for you at the lecture "Anesthesia: the magical and the earthly" Lecturer — Igor Yovenko, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, head of the Department of anesthesiology and intensive care Odrex. Honored doctor of Ukraine, candidate of medical Sciences and the speaker, which is exciting and just about complex, Igor will answer the following questions: • Who is the anaesthetist? What does he do? • How the anesthesia and the anesthesia? How they affect the body? • How to prepare for the surgery under anesthesia? • What to ask and what to tell your anesthesiologist? • Where myths and reality where when it comes to anesthesia? Anesthesia is often credited with questionable ability suddenly ended during the operation, to undermine the health or permanently submerged in a weakened state. However, this has little to do with reality, and anaesthesia is much more than just sleep during the surgery. What does the anesthesiologist when the patient is asleep? Monitors the work of the heart, brain, kidneys and other vital organs, "breathes" for the patient, which is not, takes away the pain during and after a surgery and much more. Waiting for you at the lecture! Venue: the lawn on the left side of the theater.

The poster of the event — Odrex: Igor Yovenko / Anesthesia: magic and earth in Green theatre